“10 Tips For Law Firms Buying Cybersecurity Insurance”

Law FirmMy former colleague, Kristi Singleton, and I recently co-authored an article that was published in Law360 regarding cyberinsurance for law firms. The piece provides insights and tips for law firms and lawyers interested in purchasing a cyberinsurance policy. The introduction is below:

Law firms spend a lot of time and effort to protect their clients’ interests in a myriad of ways, from spending millions of dollars litigating a client’s case to spending hundreds of hours in due diligence before a deal closes. One often overlooked area in which law firms can serve their clients’ best interests is by protecting clients’ confidential or proprietary electronic data. Unfortunately, lawyers are often not considered to be the most technologically-savvy, and thus may be viewed as “easy prey” by hackers who may be…

The rest of the article is after the jump, and Law360 requires a subscription. To read the entire article click here.


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